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Thursday, April 27, 2017

100 Years Strong- {Phoenix, AZ Event Photographer}

I recently had the unmistakable pleasure of capturing a Centenarian!  What an incredible opportunity to meet a man who has successfully lived 100 amazing years on this earth.....and he doesn't show any signs of slowing down.

I would like to introduce you to Sal and his son, my friend and fellow triathlete Gary.  Sal is an amazing man, a World War II Veteran and all around nice guy.  You can tell he has lived and left a strong legacy in his life and it was such a privilege to photograph it.

I really enjoyed meeting all of the people that look up to him as patriarch.  There is so much family and so much story wrapped up in this awesome picture.

The party was a perfectly exquisite and joyous occasion filled with all of the people Sal has influenced.  From the tiniest grandchild to the Centenarian himself, you couldn't help but feel surrounded by something great.

Happy Birthday to this incredible man, and's to the life you have lived and the years ahead of you!

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